
My name is Abbey and I’m a food scientist by PhD. I love sharing the science behind everything we eat. I’ve spent over 10 years studying food science and I’m still learning new and interesting things about how we grow, formulate, and produce enough food to feed the world. Everything I’ve learned I plan to share with you here!
If you’re interested in diving deeper, check out my new course for a comprehensive guide on beginner food science essentials. For personalized consulting and services, I’d be thrilled to help bring science-based solutions to your food projects!
My Profession

A stroke of good luck led me to food science. I was already a freshman at UW-Madison when I was searching online for any and all science majors. On a random school webpage, I came across Food Science for the first time. From there, my future started falling into place. I completed my BS in Food Science in 2014.
I stayed at UW-Madison to begin graduate school and research. I bypassed a masters degree and finished my PhD the summer of 2020. If you want something really dense to read, I suggest my dissertation entitled Arrested Coalescence, Interfacial Phenomena, and Oil-Water Emulsions.

You’re probably thinking “Wow, she’s gone to school forever! Who does that?!” Well, if you’re counting by grade, I completed 22 grades before graduating with my PhD. If you’d rather count years, that’s 24 straight years of schooling. If you think that’s ridiculous, you and my parents could probably have a good chat.
My nieces and nephew 🙂 I like to think I’m their favorite Aunt. I’m not really sure if that’s true considering I’ve been told I look like garbage truck and have poop hair. Right now, my oldest niece and nephew can do “science experiments” like coke and mentos or baking soda and vinegar explosions
If there’s good news, it’s that I’ve learned a ton of fascinating things while studying food science, which have led to this blog and more! If you’re sick of reading, check out my video content.
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